This design idea reprises another “1 A, 20 V, PWM controlled current source”. Like the earlier circuit, this design integrates an LM3x7 adjustable regulator with a PWM DAC to make a programmable 20 V, 1 A current source...
This design idea reprises another “1 A, 20 V, PWM controlled current source”. Like the earlier circuit, this design integrates an LM3x7 adjustable regulator with a PWM DAC to make a programmable 20 V, 1 A current source...
STMicroelectronics has introduced the Teseo VI family of global navigation satellite system receivers aimed at high-volume precise positioning use cases...
Traditionally, the reception quality of a digital receiver is expressed in terms of BER. This figure is the proportion of received bit errors in a given period...
A new control loop architecture is designed to generate very low noise voltages. This can be utilized by both linear and switching regulators...
RTDs are the preferred sensor choices for designs requiring precision. Although RTDs are approximately linear over the limited temperature range of 0 to 100 °C, these sensors exhibit a slight but progressively more nonlinear temperature-versus-resistance characteristic as the measurement range widens...
For many variable resistor (rheostat) applications, one of the device’s terminals is connected to a voltage source VS. Such a source might be a reference DC voltage, an op amp output carrying an AC plus DC signal, or even ground...
Rheostats are simple and ubiquitous circuit elements, usually comprising a potentiometer connected as an adjustable two terminal resistor...
You’ve got an apparently simple design requirement on your latest AC-line powered project: provide a distinctly illuminated indicator to show that the unit is plugged into the line and that power is “on,”...
What’s going on at Intel, the largest beneficiary of the U.S. push to onshore chip manufacturing?...
This design idea revisits another: “PWM power DAC incorporates an LM317”. Like the earlier circuit, this one implements a power DAC by integrating an LM317 positive regulator into a mostly passive PWM topology...